Psorthaspis colombiae Bradley, 1944:47, ♀. Holotype ♀, San Lorenzo Mts., Partidas Cincinnati, Magdalena, Colombia, January 1, 1923 (Mus. Comp. Zool., leg. M.A. Carriker), Neotype ♀, Colombia, San Lorenzo Mts., Partidas Cincinnati, January 1, 1923 (MCZC, leg. M.A. Carriker), designated by Rodríguez et al., 2010Rodríguez, J., C.D. von Dohlen & J.P. Pitts 2010. The genus Psorthaspis (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) in Colombia. Zoología-Sistemática 32 (2):435-441.:438. - Bradley, 1944Bradley, J.C. 1944. A preliminary revision of the Pompilinae (exclusive of the tribe Pompilini) of the Americas (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 70:23-157.:38 (key female); Rodríguez et al., 2010Rodríguez, J., C.D. von Dohlen & J.P. Pitts 2010. The genus Psorthaspis (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) in Colombia. Zoología-Sistemática 32 (2):435-441. (distribution); Fernández et al., 2017Fernández, F., V. Castro, J. Rodríguez, C. Waichert & J.P. Pitts 2017. Avispas cazadoras de arañas de Colombia (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Proceditor Ltda., Bogotá, D. C., Colombia. (distribution); Fernández et al., 2022Fernández, F., J. Rodriguez, C. Waichert, B. Decker & J. Pitts 2022. Twenty two years later: An updated checklist of Neotropical spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Zootaxa 5116 (4):451-503. (distribution).